Saturday, March 19, 2011

And so it begins. Again.

Dear Blog,

Ok so I've got about 4 or 5 unfinished posts just lurking in the dark corners of the drafts page. It's been 3 months since I've updated you, you sad little thing... It's not that I don't want to hang out with you, it's just that I forget sometimes. I typed out a post from New Years; from my little roadtrip; from Tarryn's 21st; from cave rock, and what not, but they aren't quite complete. It's not my fault. You and I just don't agree on some things. You see, I'm a bit of a perfectionist, and when you don't let me put my pictures where I want to, I get annoyed and give up on you, which ends up with, well, nothing.

So now this is what is going to go down. I'm going to update you on a regular basis, but I'm going to just cancel the few drafts from the last couple months because I'm being a brat now. There's always photo's on facebook..

In spite of my annoyance and this little rant, I still like you.
I'll even leave a random collection of pictures for you.
Let's try spark our romance again.
 The Transkei
 Coffee Bay - New Years
One of the prettiest creatures I've seen.
 Random Bottle
Different angle of a pretty sunset

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